An ancient wisdom
Acupuncture is one of the main treatments used in our clinic to help with promoting fertility and can be used in a wide variety of conditions.
For over 3,000 years, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been using this technique to balance the flow of energy or life force — known as chi or qi (chee) — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body
It involves the insertion of very fine, sterile, single use needles into specific points on the body which are chosen according to the current needs and diagnosis of the patient. These points are usually on the lower legs and and lower arms , abdomen and back.
Most treatments involve the very quick insertion of 10- 16 very fine needles which are left in place for up to 20 minutes.
The majority of patients find acupuncture to be relaxing and therapeutic in its effect and look forward to their next treatment.
How can Acupuncture help?
The needles when they are inserted, stimulate a local and whole body response which helps the body and mind to self regulate physical and emotional imbalance, injury and inflammation.
From a biomedical viewpoint acupuncture stimulates blood flow and uses trigger points to relax muscles.
From a Chinese medicine perspective, it stimulates the flow of energy (Qi) along a network of channels that connect the body surface to the inner organs.
Acupuncture seeks to address the root causes as well as treat the presenting symptoms with its individualised point prescription based on the diagnosis that has been made from the initial consultation and any subsequent consultation thereafter.