Chinese Herbal Medicine
A pillar of TCM
Alongside acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine is one of the main tools used in the system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Following the Chinese medicine diagnosis, herbs are usually prescribed to carefully match your condition and symptoms. Patients often report improvements not only in their presenting condition but in other seemingly unrelated areas of their health.
One of the benefits of Chinese herbal medicine is that it is taken every day so works on a daily basis to help with the presenting condition and symptoms. Most commonly, the herbs come in the form of concentrated powders. The prescription is then taken in the form of a tea made from adding boiling water to these concentrated powders.
Some common herbs include mint, ginger and cinnamon. All the herbs that are prescribed at the clinic are plant based . Side effects from being treated with Chinese herbal medicine are very rare.
Our Chinese herbalists are members of the Chinese herbal register ( RCHM ) and as such are trained to a high standard and practices in compliance with their professional code of practice and conduct.
To ensure that the herbs are of the highest possible quality, herbs are only dispensed from herbal pharmacIes that are on the RCHM Approved Suppliers Scheme. Any Company on the Approved suppliers list is checked annually by a trained pharmaceutical auditor to see whether it meets the required standards for herbal quality assurance as well as complying with CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) restrictions.